Organic Coconut Blossom Sugar Cubes

We are the first to bring coconut sugar cubes to market in the ‘perfect’ cube shape. Sustainably sourced from small cooperatives in Indonesia. Coconut blossom sugar is grown sustainably by local communities using traditional techniques. By implementing slow farming practices, there is no habitat nor biodiversity loss and the soil remains healthy and intact throughout the life of each tree. Coconut sugar is the most sustainable sweetener on the planet. 100% pure and unrefined from coconut blossoms, a slow release sugar with low glycemic index of 35 and a naturally sweet caramel flavour.



Organic Coconut Blossom Sugar Cubes

Packaging Options

Cardboard Box with Inner Liner

Organic Coconut Blossom Sugar Cubes 5kg

 HDPE Bucket

 Organic Coconut Blossom Sugar Cubes 2kg

Country of Origin



Coconut blossom sugar is unrefined, unbleached and contains no preservatives. This makes that it provides much more vitamins and minerals than conventional sugars. It also contains traces of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and C and it is rich in potassium, magnesium, zinc and iron. It is a slow-release sugar with a low glycemic index of 35, which means it will give you less fluctuations in the blood sugar level.

We work together with a cooperative of local farmers who harvest nectar from the blossoms of the coconut trees that are located around their houses. The nectar is collected and boiled until it crystalises into sugar granules.

This method ensures that the tree doesn’t need to be cut down and can still be useful after it reaches an age where coconut production dwindles. Together with the fact that coconut trees use minimal amounts of water and fuel, makes coconut blossom sugar one of the most sustainable sugars in the world.


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